Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dude, the olympic coverage SUCKS!

3:00 PM Manny: is it me, or does this article read as if the NY times had never met a canadian?
4:31 PM me: wow
  that's amazing
4:32 PM It actually reads as if they had met exactly 1 canadian and then watched a bunch of episodes of Degrassi Jr. High

39 minutes
5:11 PM Manny: Nbc: evilist network ever

12 minutes
5:23 PM me: wait, why?Manny: have you seen any olympics?
 me: I have
  a bit
 Manny: watching more tv will not allow you to see more olympics
1:08 PM a bit is all they're showing
  they bought the rights and are showing nothing
 me: that's quite lame
 Manny: so you will watch their prime time crapfest
  it is as if ESPN bought monday night football and didn't show it so you would watch more sportscenter
1:12 PM me: What I noticed was mostly that if I didn't have tivo, I would have to watch a lot of middle-aged white men talking behind desks
1:13 PM Manny: hours
  and then soft-focus profiles of american athletes
  they're only showing four hours a day, and most of that time is spent not showing sports
1:14 PM they showed five racers in the downhill!
  it's the only exciting winter event
 me: no that's not true
  it's not that exciting
 Manny: true
  but people might die
  that makes it better than biatholon

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ken Miller, the great pop evolutionist! (or please god, could Americans start understanding evolution and science generally for that matter...)

2:04 PM 
me: That's funny, I just saw Brown professor and pop culture scientist, Ken Miller speak here about the dover case.
  His basic argument is that scientists need to make science popular and cool

9 minutes
2:13 PM me: He did talk about this preface and said it was preposterous
2:16 PM Manny: I like Ken Miller
  "I like you fine, I just think you're deluded and sad."
  I think that was the quote
2:17 PM Ken Miller, to evolutionist, on Nightline
 me: yup
  he's the man

Acorn is Evil? Are they kidding?

2:21 PM Manny:
2:28 PM me: How can that even be a question. we all know acorn was set up
2:30 PM Manny: its insane how you can just pick a group, say theyre evil, and as long as its liberal evil, the media says sweet
  nobody ever gets fired for being too republican
2:31 PM at least, not in media
  being a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks the president is a racist, terrorist manchurian candidate attempting to install communism -- totally ok
  see: Dobbs, Luo
2:33 PM me: yes, but being a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks that the people who got us into war are profiting from it and were motivated by this profit...un-american
 Manny: a firable offense, in fact
2:34 PM me: well, obviously, it can't be tolerated.

Scary scary people are running our country

9:51 AM me: Do you know about the evil senators in their god house who support the execution of gays in Africa?
 Manny: yes
9:52 AM me: I'm so proud to be an American! in this country we execute blacks and we get other countries to execute gays. Now all we need to do is swap our gays for Africa's blacks and the Aryans win the day!
9:53 AM Have you read anything good about them, btw, I only heard the tale end of the scariest radio story ever
9:57 AM Manny: what's it called again? Promise House or something?
 me: that sounds about right. The scary place where anti-democratic god warriors support evil regimes all over the world and attack the rights of citizens at home...
9:59 AM no wonder we can't get decent health care, our leaders have to put their energy into figuring out how to topple stable dictators in places like sumalia so that god can enforce his own laws ther10:03 AM Manny:
10:26 AM me: nice. terryfing
 Manny: yes, you can't make this crap up
10:27 AM It's important to remember that your average congressperson from, say, tennessee, is a giant flaming asshole who is just slightly sharper than the used car salesmen who make up the big shots in his home parish
10:28 AM or slightly more vicious/devious

23 minutes
10:51 AM me: yeah, but senators

43 minutes
11:34 AM Manny: Some of those senators rep fewer people than the congressmen
  See; wyoming

Bush, Palin, and imaginary news

  "The press corps that is bashing her skull in right now is the same one that hyped that WMD horseshit for like four solid years and pom-pommed America to war with Iraq over the screeching objections of the entire planet. It’s the same press corps that rolled out the red carpet for someone very nearly as abjectly stupid as Sarah Palin to win not one but two terms in the White House. If there was any kind of consensus support for Palin inside the beltway, the criticism of her, bet on it, would be almost totally confined to chortling east coast smartasses like me and Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Sullivan."
3:51 PM 

23 minute
4:18 PM am I very confused? never has a person gotten so much from the media for so little than has sarah palin.
  She ought to be the biggest fan of the media in the world
  their machine is just playing her along
4:21 PM also, this article you sent me is amazing:
  and exactly the problem
4:22 PM in ten years, will we have to read the same about sarah palin?
  Can the nation get any dumber?
  Well, golly, Kenneth the page should run for office!

8 minutes
4:31 PM Manny: that article is awesome in so many ways
 me: truly
4:32 PM it's almost a work of tragically ironic art

5 minutes
4:37 PM Manny: like, it says democrats are happy bush won, without naming ANY
  it uses a quote from one guy to justify that argument, even though the guy doesn't say ANYTHING LIKE what the article does
4:38 PM It fires random potshots at feminine, losery democrats, who want to hug
  it gives masculine, powerful imagery to republican daddys like rumsfeld
4:39 PM me: it's basically the porn fantasy that the entire industry entered into the moment the towers came down
  and really, 15 years before that
4:40 PM Manny: and it's a total lie
4:41 PM the article is just fiction
  there's no gore backer in there who's happy bush won
4:42 PM there's crazy anonymous sources... pushing unknown agendas...
4:44 PM me: well, if you don't use imaginary sources, how can you make sure people say what you want?


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Come on left, we can do it! Let's roll back to clock on women's lib!

1:13 PM me: Dude, I think it's so awesome how when you have a "liberal" majority in both houses and a dem in the white house you can just roll back women's rights fifty or sixty years! Go LEFT! We rock!

34 minutes
1:47 PM Manny: those babes don't know what hit em
  ladies, look out. Stupak the Stud is going to Rock Your World.

5 minutes
1:53 PM me: lol. what?
 Manny: Stupak
  that's his ammendment
 me: ah, I'm clearly behind
  uniformed, actually
1:55 PM too angry to be informed right now

Argh! Screw you Andrew Sullivan!

2:12 PM Manny: Andrew Sullivan today:
  "This is the reality that still haunts me with respect to 9/11. We assume that we have understood that event by now. And I once thought I did. It was a declaration of war and we had to fight back. We went to Afghanistan and removed the Taliban regime; we went to Iraq to prevent al Qaeda getting WMDs and to open up a democratic space where Islamism would falter. I supported both responses." I worry now, as we peer through the wreckage, that we were simply trying to make our enemy a conventional one, so that we could defeat them by conventional means."
   ummmm, who's we, white man?
2:14 PM me: I'M SAYING!!!!!
  Are you joking?
2:15 PM Only a fool or moron would have thought the iraq war a good thing or thought it had anything to do with al quaeda
 Manny: There's a lot of folks trying to say this waaay back then, but I believe he called us "objectively pro-Sadaam"
2:16 PM me: ha ha ha ha
2:17 PM Manny: or as Richard Cohen put it (so wise): "anyone who doesn't want to go to war in Iraq is either crazy or stupid."
2:18 PM me: ah yes. They were so right.